Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our 1st Hike at Pico

Yesterday we went for our first hike all together at Pico. It was a beautiful day, hot with a nice breeze. Ted was nice and waited for me since I'm a little slower than I used to be. I really need to get into shape! Only two month until Maui. I can't wait (except for the bathing suit part!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys all look great! Taffy is really jealous....all she got to do was an early am walk (it was even hot then) and a later walk in the pm and then got attacked by that mean dog Josie who chomped on her neck. Guess who is phoning the dog officer this am.....I have had it! I bet Pili loved the last of the snow...better than mud. Mom