Thursday, August 19, 2010

Look what I can do now!

Well we made it home to VT after a very easy trip... Jacob was an angel!  What were we so worried about?!  And we are finally adjusted to east coast time and weather (sort of).  Jacob is growing by leaps and bounds and amazes us on a daily basis.  This week we learned that he can rapidly flush the toilet over and over, even if you don't need him to!  He can also open the basement door, along with others, which has prompted me to begin searching for the next round of baby proofing devices.  His walking has also improved dramatically.  Although he is still on his toes, but not as high, he can stop, balance, and stand flat footed.  He is wearing a path from the living room, through the kitchen, down the hall, into the bedrooms, and back again, over and over.  Yesterday I even saw him squat down to pick up a truck and then continue on walking.  What a talented boy!  There was another big feat this week but I'm drawing a blank at the moment... I'm sure it will come to me soon.  LOL!

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