Sunday, September 26, 2010

Good start... bad end

We started out Saturday morning with a great gymnastics class.  Jacob enjoyed everything!  He hung from the bars (he's so strong!), walked and bounced on the trampoline, walked on the balance beam, climbed over mats, rolled, slid, and danced.  It was a blast!  Then we met Ted a Pico for their September fest.  There were tons of little kids running around and Jacob joined right in.  There was a Diaper Derby, pumpkin carving, scarecrow building, and a cookout.  He starting to feel more independent and will run around with other kids.  It's very cute to watch.

Then we came home so he could take a nap.  It was a little late, 2pm, but I figured he could sleep for a few hours.  Around 5pm I started to wake him only to find him burning up with a 104 degree fever.  I gave him some Motrin and debated calling the doctor.  I decided to call since we didn't know his neutrophil counts and he hasn't had a high fever like that before.  And Dr. Wood said if his levels were low and he had a fever, they would treat him with antibiotics.  Dr. Schneider was on call and wanted him to go to the ER for blood work and to be checked over.  We got there around 6:30.  They were very good to us, and especially Jacob, keeping him away from all the sick people.  We never had to wait in the waiting room.  They put us in our own room right from the start.  Then we did a lot of waiting there, but that seems to be how ERs work.  The nurse and doctor were great with Jacob, going slow and talking with him.  His fever had only come down to 102.6 so they gave him Tylenol.  The doctor said one ear was red along with his throat.  I had put Emla on his arm before going so the blood draw was easy.  It also helped that the guy who did it got his vein instantly- he did a great job and Jacob didn't flinch.  It took about 45 minutes to get the results.  The doctor said his levels were all normal!  Maybe the neutropenia has resolved!  I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much until I talk with Dr. Wood this week.  In the end the ER doctor put him on antibiotics and gave him a double dose before we left.  We got home a little before 10pm and put poor little Jacob to bed.

He woke up around 8:30 this morning with a fever of 100 and a super stuffy nose.  Poor thing sounds like a bull dog trying to breathe.  We are alternating Motrin and Tylenol today.  Despite feeling so yucky (I'm sure), his spirits have been good.  He's a little trooper!

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