Sunday, January 25, 2009


I went to church this morning with my sister-in-law, Dawn, and nephews. I have been doing a lot of reading lately trying to figure out where my beliefs "fit." Although I was baptized Catholic, I wasn't confirmed, etc., but I used to go to Sunday School at the Shewsbury Congregational Church. Now that I am motivated to learn more, I find there are many parts of Catholicisms that don't really work for me. So I went to Grace Congregational Church this morning and really enjoyed it. The service was very personal and family oriented. I felt welcome and actually knew quite a few people there. The Protestant view of Christianity may work better for me. I'm not sure what Ted thinks about that.... but we'll see.

This afternoon I did the usual weekend work... vacuum, mop, clean bathrooms, etc. I really wanted to use my treadmill and do yoga but I never got to it. At least I took Pili for a walk. If only I had a cleaning lady! It was so nice when we used to, even though it was for a short time. I wish she wasn't so busy and could come back! Oh well, at least I have a great house to clean.

1 comment:

dmelen said...

We are so happy you joined us this morning. I hope you will join us again sometime.